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Bows instruction manual

Important information about the safe use of bows

How to raise, use, shoot?

Important information:

§ When bowing, the lower end of the bow must not touch the ground, and the upper end must be held or pressed when the string is hooked. The middle of the grip rests on the inside of the thigh, and the lower part of the bow above the string hook on the outside of the leg.

§ Raise the letter C and the composite bows squatting, supported on 2 knees.

§ Before use, the string lugs must be set in the middle. If the ends of the bow are twisted during bowing, then the ends of the bow must also be set to the center (axis) by twisting in the opposite direction.

§ During use, the half of the bow with the Grozer inscription is on top.

§ If the very c bow is drawn incorrectly, it will be excessively asymmetric, so it must be pulled back in the opposite direction so that the bow arms are adjusted to the appropriate extent. (especially with TRH and composite bows, you should pay attention to this).

§ Before shooting at the target with the bow, make sure that there is no one or anything within at least 300 meters in the direction of the shot.

§ Never shoot the bow completely vertically upwards.

§ The bowstring must not be released empty, i.e. without a comma.

§ Never lean on a drawn bow.

§ Always wind up the bow after use.

§ After prolonged use, the bow string may become untethered, so it must be waxed. We pull the beeswax on the string with quick movements.

§ Never leave it open on a hot day. The bow should not be left unstrung in a car that has heated up in the sun.

§ If the unstrung bow is very hot (e.g. during transport in a car in the summer), you must wait until it cools down before unstringing.

§ Never draw the bow beyond the permissible draw length.

§ I guarantee the bow for 1 year from the date of purchase.

Each pull is listed at 28″.

Everything you need to know about bows

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