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*Based on the 175/2003. government decree, the bow is considered an instrument of increased danger to public safety. We are not responsible for violations committed with a bow.
ENTERChoose the right bow for you from our webshop, read all the information about it, and then buy it online with a few clicks.
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Choose the right accessories for your bow from our webshop! We have tried to collect the best accessories for Grozer Bows so that you can practice archery at the highest possible level!
Our customers about our bows
We receive feedback from our customers, the profession, and recognized archers from all over the world, which we regularly publish.
Dear Grózer Archery,
thank you very much! Your bows are amazing and the customer support and service is phenomenal too. It is an incredibly well performing bow.
Fast and snappy and I will stick to it (not the Tatar) for its amazing shortness.
Best regards!
Mr. Grozer was absolutely right. I love this bow and managed to win the Berlin Championsship (Berliner Landesmeisterschaft) with it.
Best regards!
By the way, the bow is fantastic, I can’t say this enough!
Thank you so much 🙂
Hello again!
At first I want to say thanks a lot for this amazing bow. It is for me as a beginner absolutely fun to shoot.
Best regards and thanks again for the moments of joy that you bring to me with this bow!
Dear Csaba !!!
The bow arrived in good condition and look impeccable.
Thank you !!!
Dear Csaba,
The bow arrives today, it’s amazing, even better than expected. Thanks so much!
Bests regards
Dear Csaba,
Just received the package today and everything looks great. The bow is wonderful so far! Thank you very much for everything. I think I may have to order another one eventually.
Best wishes and Happy New Year!
Just letting you know the bow has arrived and it is looking excellent!
Thank very much,
I received my package
The bow is awesome
Kind Regards,