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*Based on the 175/2003. government decree, the bow is considered an instrument of increased danger to public safety. We are not responsible for violations committed with a bow.
ENTERThe inside layer is a red-brown phenolic paper plate, which can bear pressure very well, just like natural horn. There is a is a softer syntetic layer on the outside, which functions similar to sinew. The core may be wood or bamboo, and in some cases there are thin fibreglass years as well. These bows are soft and extremely heat resistant. They have low resonance and high twist resistance.
Selectable bow-types - Click on the images!
We categorize the laminated bows according to the synthetic materials of the external and inside layers:
Simple laminated bows are made from fibreglass plates and wood.
X-Carbon laminated bows contain carbon layers as well. X Carbon bows are exceptionally twist resistant, and allow us to construct faster bows with lower vibration.
Fiberwood laminated bows have a nature composite core that looks like compressed wood creating a monolith core. Rostwood bows have higher weight but more accurate.
TRH bows’ inside is made from synthetic horn with a softer fibreglass on the outside. The inside and outside layers are made from different materials and have different fibre structures.
These are mostly very thin layers, below 1mm thick. The glass fibre might be E, S or R glass. Carbon fibre might be aligned parallel or in 45 degrees. The thin synthetic plate might be made of one, two or three different materials, each sometimes not thicker than paper and even glued together below 1 mm. This technology provides a light and fast bows. The various combined layers increase stability, resist twisting, absorb vibration and increase speed. Mostly made up to 75# but some special material allow to build bows up to 140#. Some of the synthetic composite material are made by us others manufactured directly for us or we simply purchase them.
Available leather colors for laminated bows: